The Perfectionism Scales
(Slaney & Colleagues)
- The Almost Perfect Scale (APS-R) PDF
measures three dimensions of personal perfectionism: High Standards, Discrepancy and Order.
Chinese (Simp) version | Chinese (Trad-HK) version | Chinese (Trad-Twn) version | Dutch version | English version | French version | German version | Greek version | Italian version | Korean version | Latvian version | Lithuanian version |
Persian/Farsi version | Polish version | Portuguese version | Russian version | Slovenian version | Spanish version | Thai version | Turkish version | Urdu version - The Family-Almost Perfect Scale (FAPS) PDF
measures the degree to which one experiences one's family as imposing perfectionistic standards on her or him. The sub-scales include Family Standards, Family Discrepancy, and Family Order.
Chinese (Simp) version | Chinese (Trad) version | English version | Greek version | Italian version | Korean version | Latvian version | Lithuanian version |
Persian/Farsi version | Russian version | Turkish version - The Dyadic Perfectionism Scale (DAPS) PDF
measures perfectionistic expectations that one has for an intimate partner. There are again three sub-scales: High Standards, Discrepancy, and Order.
English version | Polish version - The Children Dyadic Almost Perfect Scale (C-DAPS) PDF
measures perfectionistic attitudes people have about their children. The three sub-scales are High Standards, Discrepancy, and Order.
English version | Polish version - Short Almost Perfect Scale (SAPS) PDF
is an 8-item short form of the APS-R that measures two core dimensions of personal perfectionism: Standards and Discrepancy.
English version | Portuguese version
*These scales are available for research use only. We would appreciate hearing about any findings based on the scale or scales. E-mail us